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Grants Management

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Homeland Security & Emergency Management Programs

HSGP, EMPG, and Infrastructure Protection Grant Programs, Memos, and Reports

Grants Monitoring

Fiscal and Administrative oversight of grant subawards.


Victim Services

Support to Victim Service providers.

Grants Rules & Regulations

Requirements, consistency, and guidance.

Grants Processing

Victim Services Grants Processing and Payments, and Homeland Security Grant Processing

Community Resiliency & Listos Grants

Emergency Operations Center (EOC), Listos California Grant, and Community Power Resiliency Programs

Message from the Assistant Director

Gina Buccieri-Harrington, MPA​​

The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, Grants Management is responsible for the administration of approximately $1.3 billion in funds for homeland security, emergency management, victim services, and criminal justice programs, a majority of which are distributed to local and regional entities to enable the most effective prevention, detection, response, and recovery efforts. Improving and enhancing local agencies’​ capabilities through grant funding is one of Cal OES’s most important missions.

Cal OES and CalVCB Strategic Plan

The Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) and the California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) have developed a Strategic Plan for Victim Services in California 2019–2021. The Strategic Plan reflects our shared commitment to raising awareness and improving delivery of crime victims’ services across the State of California. The plan was developed over the past 15 months with extensive collaboration between our agencies. Over the next three years, our two agencies will continue to collaborate with one another and with our stakeholders as we implement the plan.

OES VCB Strategic Plan 2019

CalVCB Cal OES Strategic Plan Communication 2019

Civil Rights Policies for Program Beneficiaries and Subrecipients

The Cal OES Grants Management and Office of Civil Rights and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Programs has developed the following policies tailored specifically to program beneficiaries.
• Non-discrimination in Programs & Services
• Reasonable Accommodation for Program Beneficiaries
• Language Access Policy

These policies can be found on the Cal OES website: www.caloes.ca.gov/office-of-the-director/policy-administration/civil-rights-eeo/

For questions about these policies, please contact:
Cal OES’s Office of Civil Rights and EEO Programs via email at: eeo@caloes.ca.gov.

Additional State Funding Opportunities:

Get funding for Hazard Mitigation projects here.

The California Grants Portal (a project by the California State Library), is the destination to find all grants and loans offered on a competitive or first-come basis.

Other Helpful Links

FEMA.gov – Grants
FEMA.gov – Information Bulletins
National Preparedness Goal
Office of Management and Budget – “Super Circular” 2 CFR Part 200