Office of International Affairs
The Office of International Affairs (OIA), within the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES), plays a critical role in pursuing global challenges caused by all types of disasters and sharing best practices. This includes orchestrating foreign delegation visits, developing binational memorandums of understanding, advising on international policy, working with foreign governments to coordinate mutual aid, and collaborating with Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) to provide resources on emergency preparedness.
The office also liaises with the U.S. Department of State, the consulates, the Governor, and the Lieutenant Governor’s offices to advance international initiatives. In an era of unprecedented emergencies, the OIA is committed to engaging with international partners to enhance emergency management, homeland security, and cybersecurity practices.
Cal OES participates in executive-level forums such as the International Affairs and Trade Development Interagency Committee, Commission of the Californias, and the California-Mexico Border Relations Council.
Addy Jimenez
International Affairs Senior Advisor
Office: (916) 845-8971
Cell: (916) 758-1491
International Affairs Office
International Engagement
Cal OES welcomes high-profile visits by foreign dignitaries and maintains regular diplomatic engagement with foreign governments and federal counterparts, including countries like Australia, Chile, Indonesia, Japan, Tajikistan, Mexico, New Zealand, nations in the Middle East, the European Union, and South Africa. Cal OES subject matter experts also travel abroad to meet with international partners.
Foreign National Visit Request
To facilitate safe and secure visits, foreign delegations requesting to visit California state agencies need to complete and submit the Foreign National Screening Form 15 days before an official visit. Emailed the form to and the Cal OES International Affairs points of contact.
If you represent an international organization or country and would like to request a visit to the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, please complete and submit the Cal OES Foreign National Screening Form and Visit Request Form to the International Affairs Office points of contact.
• Foreign National Screening Form
• Cal OES Visit Request Form
Memorandums of Understanding
Cal OES has entered into Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) with various international partners and organizations, including Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), Baja California, and Chile. These agreements serve to mutually share best practices, lessons learned, training opportunities, and exchange of technical knowledge and expertise.

Cal OES – AKDN MOU signing – Shahin Karim, Focus Humanitarian Assistance USA Chair; Mark Ghilarducci, Cal OES Director; Firoz Verjee, AKDN Disaster Risk Management Coordinator.
Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN)
Cal OES signed an MOU with the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) Disaster Risk Management Initiative and Focus Humanitarian Assistance USA. The AKDN works in over 30 countries around the world and is a group of development agencies focused on environmental protection, health, education, as well as disaster reduction. Through this partnership, Cal OES and the AKDN share best practices, training, exchange of expertise, and technical assistance. The MOU provides a platform to collaborate in the advancement of emergency management, disaster mitigation and preparedness programs, training, sharing best practices, technologies, and research.

As action item under the MOU, Cal OES attended a conference in Chile on crisis communications. Pictured in the middle is Sebastián Piñera President of Chile with representatives from Cal OES and CAL FIRE..
Cal OES signed an MOU with the Chilean National Office of Emergency of the Interior Ministry (ONEMI) focused on joint projects and research studies in emergency response and recovery, training opportunities, and exchanging of information on disaster risk. Additionally, Cal OES continues to participate in the Chile-California Council, a non-profit organization that promotes mutually beneficial relationships and knowledge sharing between Chile and California in both the private and public sectors.

MOU signing between Cal OES and the State Coordination of Civil Protection of Baja California North.
Baja California, Mexico
Cal OES signed an MOU with the State Coordination of Civil Protection of Baja California North focused on sharing intelligence resources, designing cooperative projects and research regarding risks and natural disasters, as well as training, and designing communication strategies for disaster response.