State Threat Assessment Center

The State Threat Assessment Center (STAC) serves as California’s information sharing clearinghouse of strategic threat analysis and situational awareness reporting to statewide leadership and the public safety community in support of efforts to prevent, prepare for, mitigate and respond to all crimes and all hazards impacting California citizens and critical infrastructure, while preserving civil liberties, individual privacy, and constitutional rights.
The State Threat Assessment Center (STAC) is California’s state primary fusion center, as designated by the Governor of California, and is operated by the California Highway Patrol (CHP), the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES), and the California Department of Justice (Cal DOJ).
The STAC Consists of three teams:
- Awareness Response (ART ) Team
The ART Team is the center’s hub for sharing information concerning ongoing events. - Strategic Analysis (STRAT) Team
The STRAT Team analyzes trends in homeland secuirty. - Critical Infrastructure (CIP) Team
The CIP Team coordinates state efforts to identify, prioritize and protect critical infrastructure.
The State Threat Assessment System (STAS) helps safeguard the communities of California by serving as a dynamic security nexus comprised of the State, four Regional and a major urban area Fusion Center. The STAS assists in the detection, prevention, investigation and response to criminal and terrorist activity, disseminates intelligence and facilitates communications between state, local, federal, tribal agencies and private sector partners, to help them take action on threats and public safety issues. The STAS is a key component of California’s Homeland Security Strategy.
The CIP unit assesses risk to California’s critical infrastructure. The unit identifies, prioritizes, and helps protect California’s critical assets from natural hazards, technological hazards and human-caused threats. CIP and its partner such as regional fusion centers, the California Cybersecurity Integration Center, and the Department of Homeland Security provide infrastructure owners and operators with threat information, risk reduction options, and other support to help manage risk to their assets and systems.
Contact the California State Threat Assessment Center at
or by phone M – F, 8 am – 5 pm at (916) 636-2900
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Critical Infrastructure Protection
Protecting California’s critical infrastructure
State Threat Assessment System
California’s network of Fusion Centers
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For more information on how our teams works with homeland security partners, contact the California State Threat Assessment Center at
State Threat Assessment Center Facts
- The California State Threat Assessment Center was opened as a direct result of the events of 9/11 with the goal of helping to fix issues with information sharing across the nation.
- In 2004, the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES), formerly the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security (OHS), adopted a homeland security strategy which included opening six fusion centers to establish the State Threat Assessment System (STAS).
- The STAC serves as the state-level partner to regional and urban fusion centers in Sacramento, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Orange County and San Diego which are locally organized and directed.
- In 2009, the STAC formalized its membership through a Memorandum of Understanding creating a partnership between California Department of Justice, Cal OES, and California Highway Patrol; the latter vested with the day-to-day command and management of the STAC.
- The California National Guard, the California Police Chiefs Association, the California Sheriffs Association and the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation joined the STAC’s Governance Board in 2013.