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Targeted Violence Prevention

Targeted violence poses a significant threat to the safety and well-being of individuals, communities, and institutions. This webpage aims to highlight the importance of collaboration and provide tools, information, and resources for stakeholders to actively engage in preventing targeted violence in California. By working together, we can foster a safer and more resilient California. To learn more about any of the information featured on this site, please reach out

 What is the state of targeted violence in California?

In recent years, California has witnessed a series of high-profile acts of targeted violence, including mass shootings, acts of terrorism and hate crimes. For example:

  • California experienced an average of 44 mass shootings per year between 2013 and 2021, which translates to one mass shooting every 8.3 days. Mass shooters killed an average of 49 people and injured 167 others in each of the last eight years. (Public Policy Institute of California)
  • Reported hate crimes targeting Black people remain the most prevalent and increased 27.1% from 513 in 2021 to 652 in 2022, with the majority being motivated by race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. (California Department of Justice)
  • According to data from the Department of Homeland Security, from 2010 to 2021, California experienced the most domestic terrorism incidents in the US. (U.S. Government Accountability Office

These data points underscore the importance of implementing comprehensive strategies to prevent such violence, which require collaboration among law enforcement agencies, active community engagement, bolstered mental health support, and proactive prevention measures.

Upcoming events: 

On December 13th, 2023 at 10:30 AM PST, Myrieme Churchill (Parents for Peace Executive Director) will discuss how the non-governmental public health nonprofit empowers families and communities to prevent radicalization, violence, and extremism through guidance, early intervention, public outreach, and advocacy for effective policy solutions.

The webinar will be hosted on Microsoft Teams. The link will be emailed to all registrants before the webinar. You can also save the link upon completing the registration form. Register here.

DHS Prevention Resource Finder: Along with the resources featured on this site, the Department of Homeland Security created the Prevention Resource Finder website that provides stakeholders with information to help prepare for and prevent targeted violence and terrorism across our country. Resources on the website include community support resources; grant funding opportunities; information-sharing platforms; evidence-based research; and training opportunities for communities to reduce the risk of targeted violence, including hate-based targeted violence.

Explore more sections:

Community based organizations

Past Webinars

Funding Opportunities


Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GVROs)
