Home 5 Office of the Director 5 Operations 5 Interagency Recovery Coordination

Integrating Community Recovery Solutions

The Cal OES Interagency Recovery Coordination (IRC) Section is responsible for coordinating long-term recovery efforts, promoting resiliency throughout local jurisdictions, and providing technical assistance to disaster-impacted communities to support the identification and implementation of community recovery projects and programs. The Section provides data analytics, GIS, and software development support to the Recovery Directorate; and maintains a cadre of technical experts to support Directorate and recovery operations activities. Following a disaster, the IRC Section supports local government requests for emergency assistance; provides recovery assistance to communities, organizations, and individuals; and supports implementation of field operations.

The IRC Section is comprised of five (5) subsections — Individual Assistance, Recovery Support Functions, Proclamations and Declarations, Planning and Quality Control, and Analytics, Engineers, and Specialists. Our staff coordinate with state and local agencies, communities, organizations, and individuals regarding how best to promote resiliency efforts throughout local communities, identify critical community functions both before and after a disaster to prioritize effective recovery operations, facilitate community preparedness and risk management actions to reduce long-term vulnerabilities, and support post-disaster community recovery and redevelopment.

Recovery Individual Assistance

The Recovery Individual Assistance Division coordinates with federal, state, local, and voluntary/PNP entities to provide recovery assistance to individuals, households, businesses, and agricultural communities affected by an emergency or disaster. Our staff maintain relationships with nonprofit agencies to support a variety of disaster recovery activities. This division also works with local governments to establish Local Assistance Centers (LAC) to provide essential services to individuals and households affected by an emergency or disaster.

Recovery Support Functions

The Recovery Support Functions (RSF) Division supports disaster-impacted communities by providing technical assistance to assess the long-term impacts of disasters, identify local unmet needs, and coordinate recovery assistance and programs available to communities, including, but not limited to, external technical assistance, grants, loans, philanthropic funding, and materials. Our staff support and enhance the delivery of state and federal recovery assistance programs and operations through the JFO in coordination with state and federal partners. This division strives to support California communities recovery efforts through six (6) sector-specific areas of recovery.

Recovery Proclamations and Declarations

The Recovery Proclamations and Declarations Division provides technical assistance to local governments requesting emergency assistance and supports the disaster declaration request reviewal and approval process. Our staff engage with impacted local jurisdictions, as well as state and federal stakeholders to support development of declaration requests. This division is responsible for drafting Governor’s Office Action Requests (GOARs) in response to State of Emergency (SOE), ​California Disaster Assistance Act (CDAA) funding, and/or Presidential Declared Disaster (PDD) requests.

Recovery Planning and Quality Control

The Recovery Planning and Quality Control Division assists California communities with recovery planning and coordination, which includes how they can integrate into and leverage existing planning efforts across the State. Our staff monitor projects funded by various federal and state disaster assistance programs for federal compliance and provides feedback on risk analysis to various disaster funding programs. To achieve these goals, the Division is comprised of two (2) Units—the Recovery Planning Unit and the Quality Control and Monitoring Unit.


Recovery Analytics, Engineers, and Specialists

The Recovery Analytics, Engineers, and Specialists Division is comprised of two (2) Units—the Recovery Analytics Unit, and Engineers and Specialist Unit. The Recovery Analytics Unit implements data platforms, trains staff, and optimizes data tools to support process improvement and efficiencies throughout all Recovery Directorate programs. The Engineers and Specialists Unit develops and implements environmental compliance trainings for the Recovery Directorate and local jurisdictions; offers guidance for preparedness and mitigation plans; and deploys in the field during recovery operations to support compliance with all applicable environmental state and federal regulations.