Emergency Management Program


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Emergency Management Credentialing and Certificate Information

Learn more about EOC Credentialing and Specialist Certificates

Emergency Management Outreach Program

Instructor Requirements, Curriculum, Forms, and Support Material

Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS)

SEMS ACI Training Materials

The California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI) provides training in all phases of emergency management: preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation. Additionally, CSTI offers specialized training in crisis communications, exercise design, and emergency planning for schools and populations with access and functional needs. Our emergency management curriculum covers the full spectrum of hazards, including earthquakes, floods, fires, severe weather, tsunamis, hazardous materials, and terrorism.

Emergency management professional development is also a key component in CSTI’s training programs. Our course choices include: Basic and Advanced Training for Emergency Services Coordinators, EOC Position Specific Training, EOC Action Planning Training, and all levels of the California’s Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) and Incident Command System (ICS) approved courses.

All CSTI’s Emergency Management courses can be applied to Cal OES’s Emergency Management Specialist Certificate Program as either a core or elective course.

CSTI Training Portal

Visit the CSTI Learning Management System to browse hundreds of training courses, register and learn.