Exercise Program

CSTI’s Exercise Division leads a statewide all-hazards Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) to assist California in preventing, protecting, mitigating, responding to, and recovering from man-made and natural disasters. The objectives of our Exercise Program are to:

  • Provide exercise expertise and support to internal and external stakeholders
  • Facilitate the Cal OES Integrated Preparedness Planning Workshop and create the resulting Multi-Year Integrated Preparedness Plan (IPP)
  • Conduct the state-level Capstone California exercise series
  • Conduct HSEEP training courses, both in person and virtual

The CSTI Exercise Division is responsible for four major programs; the Exercise Support Program, the Cal OES Integrated Preparedness Planning Workshop and the Integrated Preparedness Plan, the Capstone California Exercise Series, and the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP).

Exercise Support

CSTI’s Exercise Program has a selection of discussion exercises on a variety of topics that can be delivered at the county, region, and state levels. We also support functional exercises (FE) for Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) and Department Operations Centers (DOC). All activities are conducted in accordance with the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) methodology to maximize efficiency and minimize workload. Ideally, the process includes planning meetings to tailor the exercise (in person, virtual, or email exchanges), a 2-4-hour exercise, and one After Action Report (AAR) Conference.

Professional development training for exercise practitioners:

  • FEMA Independent Study Courses
    • IS120.C An Introduction to Exercises: The course introduces the basics of emergency management exercises. It also builds a foundation for subsequent exercise courses, which provide the specifics of the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP).
    • IS130.A How to be an Exercise Evaluator: The Course introduces the basics of emergency management exercise evaluation and improvement planning. It also provides the foundation for exercise evaluation concepts and practices as identified in the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP).

Distance and Classroom Learning Courses:

  • E/L/K 0146 Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP): This is an intermediate course designed to provide a comprehensive overview of exercise program management, design, development, conduct, evaluation, and improvement planning along with practical skill development using HSEEP doctrine.

For more information, email: CAHSEEP@caloes.ca.gov

  • E0131 Exercise Evaluation and Improvement Planning: This course is designed to improve skills, knowledge, and capabilities of individuals and organizations involved in the evaluation of emergency management exercises.
  • Master Exercise Practitioner Program (MEPP): The MEPP program is a series of two classroom courses focusing on advanced program management, exercise design and evaluation practices in each phase of the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP). https://training.fema.gov/mepp/

Integrated Preparedness Plan (IPP) and Integrated Preparedness Planning Workshop (IPPW)

The Integrated Preparedness Plan (IPP) and Integrated Preparedness Planning Workshop (IPPW) have replaced the Training and Exercise Plan Workshop (TEPW) and Training and Exercise Plan (TEP). The Integrated Preparedness Planning Workshop (IPPW) is a periodic meeting that establishes the strategy and structure for an exercise program, in addition to broader preparedness efforts, while setting the foundation for the planning, conduct, and evaluation of individual exercises. The IPPW process produces the Cal OES Multi-Year Integrated Preparedness Plan (IPP).

Capstone California Exercise series

Implemented in 2004, Cal OES’ annual state-level exercise series has become the most comprehensive preparedness exercise program in the country. Capstone California exercises are designed to improve emergency preparedness for catastrophic events at all levels of government.

Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program

CSTI uses the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) as the doctrinal basis for our exercise program. Exercises are a key component of national preparedness; they provide the whole community with the opportunity to shape planning, assess and validate capabilities, and address areas for improvement. HSEEP provides a set of guiding principles for exercise and evaluation programs, as well as a common approach to exercise program management, design and development, conduct, evaluation, and improvement planning.

Cal OES Training & Exercise Program

Cal OES Training & Exercise Program

Norris Cowles

Norris Cowles

Phone: (916) 845-8253

Email: Norris.cowles@caloes.ca.gov

Robb Mayberry

Robb Mayberry

Phone: (562) 795-2946

Email: Robb.mayberry@caloes.ca.gov

Cal OES HSEEP information

Cal OES HSEEP information

Al Lehenbauer

Al Lehenbauer

Phone: (916) 845-8874

Email: Al.lehenbauer@caloes.ca.gov

Sima Sheehan

Sima Sheehan

Phone: (916) 845-8460


Elaine Viray

Elaine Viray

Chief, Exercise Operations

Phone: (916) 845-8497

Email: Elaine.viray@caloes.ca.gov

Sandeep Singh

Sandeep Singh

Phone: (916) 845-8794

Email: Sandeep.singh@caloes.ca.gov

Oksana Bychuk

Oksana Bychuk

Phone: (916) 845-8582

Email: Oksana.bychuk@caloes.ca.gov

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CSTI Training Portal

Visit the CSTI Learning Management System to browse hundreds of training courses, register and learn.

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EMI Training Portal

Visit the FEMA National Training and Education Division (NTED) Course Schedules and Independent Study (IS) programs.