On April 19, 2023, the updated Local Mitigation Planning Policy Guide took effect. Please consult the Cal OES Local Hazard Mitigation Planning Fact Sheet for further information.
Contact the Local Planning Unit at MitigationPlanning@CalOES.ca.gov
Local Hazard Mitigation Planning Requirements
Find FEMA’s official mitigation planning guidance and supporting resources listed below:

FEMA Local Mitigation Planning Policy Guide (2022)
The Local Hazard Mitigation Planning Policy Guide outlines the required components that need to be included in an LHMP based on the 2022 policy updates. It outlines the process to complete an approved mitigation plan under applicable laws and regulations (44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) § 201.6). The guide is also available in Spanish.

FEMA Local Mitigation Planning Handbook (2023)
The Handbook serves as a companion to the Local Mitigation Planning Policy Guide. It supports local governments, including special districts, in developing or updating hazard mitigation plans.

Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Review Tool (PRT)
The PRT is used to ensure local hazard mitigation plans meet the elements of the Local Policy Guide. Before submitting your hazard mitigation plan to Cal OES, the PRT should be filled in with the sections or page numbers that indicate where your plan meets each required element.

Annex Review Tool (ART)
In addition to the Plan Review Tool, Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plans should be submitted with the ART. The ART specifies the elements that each jurisdiction must meet individually, with one tab per annex. Before submitting to Cal OES, the ART should be filled in with the section or page numbers that indicate where each jurisdiction addresses the required elements.
Additional Resources

Cal OES LHMP Fact Sheet
This fact sheet outlines frequently asked questions, major requirements, and changes in the “new” guidance that became effective in 2023.

FEMA Mitigation Ideas Book (2013)
This book gives communities resources to identify and evaluate a range of potential mitigation actions for reducing risk to natural hazards and disasters.

Choosing Contracting Help
FEMA’s recommendations for choosing a contractor to write your LHMP, including consultant and contract considerations.

FEMA Side-by-Side LHMP Policy Comparison (2022)
This FEMA document compares the changes in the 2011 vs 2022 guidance. Highlighted text in the 2022 column shows changes/additions to the 2011 guidance.

FEMA Earthquake Mitigation Planning Guide (2024)
The Earthquake Mitigation Planning Guide for Communities helps local jurisdictions learn about their earthquake risk as they write/update their LHMP.

FEMA Integrating HM Into Local Planning (2013)
FEMA’s guide for strategies and benefits of incorporating risk reduction strategies into existing local plans, policies, codes, and programs.

LHMPs and Community Rating System (CRS)
Learn how to maximize CRS credits with your LHMP with FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation and CRS Fact Sheet and their Mitigation Planning and the Community Rating System: Key Topics Bulletin

Cal-Adapt’s Climate Tools show historical and future projected data for hazards impacted by climate change in California.

FEMA's National Risk Index (NRI)
The NRI is a dataset and online tool to help illustrate how Counties and Census Tracts nationwide are at risk for 18 natural hazards. There are also maps showing expected annual loss, social vulnerability, and community resilience.

ClimRR provides future climate data to help us plan for and adapt to our changing world. Their Local Climate Projection Map and Climate Data Map contain helpful data for Risk Assessments.

CA Governor’s Office of Land Use and Climate Innovation (LCI)
LCI contains information about General Plans, Land Use Resources, and more. It also in charge of the California Climate Change Assessments.
Legislation Affecting Mitigation Planning
For more information on legislation affecting LHMPs, see the State Hazard Mitigation Plan’s Volume 2, Appendix L.
Assembly Bill 2140
AB 2140 (2006) allows California counties and cities to be considered for additional state cost-share on eligible Public Assistance (PA) projects by adopting their current, FEMA-approved LHMPs into the Safety Element of their General Plan. This adoption, along with other requirements, makes the County or City eligible to be considered for part or all of its local-share costs on eligible PA projects to be provided by the state through the California Disaster Assistance Act (CDAA).
This AB 2140 fact sheet includes information for counties and cities, steps required to become AB 2140 compliant, and frequently asked questions. For any questions about AB2140 compliance, please contact AB2140@CalOES.ca.gov.
Assembly Bill 2684
AB 2684 (2024) requires jurisdictions revise and update their safety element upon revision of its LHMP, or every 8 years. The revision of the safety element must identify new information relating to extreme heat hazards applicable to the city or county that was not available during the previous revision of the safety element
Read the bill here.
Senate Bill 99
SB 99 (2019) requires safety elements to include information to identify residential developments in hazard areas that do not have at least two emergency evacuation routes.
Read the bill here.
Senate Bill 379
SB 379 (2015) requires cities and counties to include climate adaptation and resilience strategies in the safety element of their general plans.
Read the bill here.
Senate Bill 1000
SB 1000 (2016) requires review and revision of general plan safety elements to address only flooding and fires (not climate adaptation and resilience) and requires environmental justice to be included in general plans.
Read the bill here.
Senate Bill 1241
SB 1241 mandates wildfire planning responsibilities of local governments that have jurisdiction in State Responsibility Areas and Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones.
Read the bill here.
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Local Mitigation Planning Team

Victoria LaMar-Haas
Mitigation Planning
Division Chief

Constantin Raether
Local Mitigation
Planning Unit Chief
Tina Phan | Tina.Phan@CalOES.ca.gov | Senior Emergency Services Coordinator |
Nadilyn Encinas | Nadilyn.Encinas@CalOES.ca.gov | Emergency Services Coordinator |
Patricia Tam | Patricia.Tam@CalOES.ca.gov | Emergency Services Coordinator |
Annika Braucher | Annika.Braucher@CalOES.ca.gov | Environmental Planner |