Mutual Aid Reimbursement System (MARS)
The Mutual Aid Reimbursement System (MARS) is a web-based application that is managed by Cal OES and utilized by all fire agencies that respond under the California Fire and Rescue Mutual Aid System. The intent of this system is to reimburse local government ordered and requested through the California Fire Assistance Agreement (CFAA). The reimbursement process will be housed on one platform that is easily accessible to Cal OES, the paying entities, and the responding fire agencies.

MARS Application
Contact Information
Main Fire Phone: (916) 845-8711
Fire Duty Chief: (916) 845-8670
MARS Region VI Train the Trainer
MARS Training Documentation
Click Here to access to MARS testing website.
Click Here to access the final feedback survey at the end of the training.
Cal OES Fire and Rescue Administrative Staff and Cal OES Chief Officers will provide agencies with hands-on in-person training including interactive scenarios. To aid in the transition of the paper process to the web-based platform, MARS needs to be socialized statewide, reaching all 55,000 fire and support personnel in the state. The scenarios will focus on fire personnel that respond to on-scene incidents.
MARS Overview Invite and Flyer
Click Here to view the Regional Overview Presentation
California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services Fire and Rescue Division is excited to announce the Mutual Aid Reimbursement System (MARS) is now available statewide. This application started with a pilot phase in August 2021 and is expanding in 2023. This new system replaces the current process of reimbursement to California Fire and Rescue Mutual Aid Agencies under the terms of the California Fire Assistance Agreement (CFAA).
“How to” video tutorials
MARS Administrative Rate Screen
MARS Agency Information Screen
MARS Agency Personnel Screen
MARS Agency Summary Screen
MARS Agreement Screen
MARS Approved Personnel Rotation
MARS Attachment A Screen
MARS Expense Claim Tab
MARS F-42 Entries
MARS Invoices Tab
MARS Notifications Screen
MARS Salary Survey Screen
MARS Sign Up
MARS Special Equipment Screen