Team Typing Information
The purpose of this page is to explain the Cal OES FIRESCOPE HazMat Team Typing concept and the Fire & Rescue Division HazMat Team Typing Inspection Program, and to provide links to pertinent documents that is associated with the Inspection Program.
HMTT Contact Information
Brian Mancebo, Senior Emergency Services Coordinator
HazMat Team Typing
Phone: (916) 845-8292
Inspection Program Explained
The following documents explain the Hazardous Materials Team Typing (HMTT) program and its purpose. It is recommended that the user print and view the documents in the order provided so as to provide a greater understanding of the concepts involved with the HMTT process.
HazMat – Team Typing – Inspection Program Explained
HM SEMS and Resource Typing FAQ
Hazardous Materials SEMS and Resource Typing FAQ
FIRESCOPE Resource Typing Guide
This document describes the basic backbone and purpose for establishing the FIRESCOPE resource typing concept. (Module 5 of the California SEMS Field Course, “Incident Resources”, Participant Reference Manual – December 2003
HazMat Company Resource Types – Quick Reference
Typing of HazMat Response team resources is keeping within the overall FIRESCOPE concept of resource typing emergency response resources. This document will show the basic three-tier HazMat Team Typing scheme – February 2014
Chart taken from Appendix G of the SEL (HazMat Comany Types and Minimum Standards) that provides a detailed look at intervention capabilities of HazMat Company resources – February 2014
Chart taken from Appendix H of the SEL (FIRESCOPE HM SEL – Appendix H (HazMat Company Types Explanation of Components) that explains each of the component sections – February 2014
HMTT Standardized Equipment List
To support the concept of “3-tier” typing of HazMat Team resources in California, the Standardized Hazardous Materials Equipment List (SEL) was adopted – 2016 Edition
HMTTSEL Equipment Photo Documentation
Complete compendium of images of all equipment in the SEL that may be required for a particular tier of HazMat Team Typing. This guide is helpful in depicting particular tools, equipment and kits – April 2018 V5.1.2
Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) presentation providing an overview of the HMRT program and explaining the concepts associated with resource typing – September 2014
Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) presentation explaining the Cal OES HazMat Team Typing Program – February 2014
Certificate of Achievement – Inspection
Fascimile copy of the Certificate of Achievement that is issued to all agencies who’s HazMat Team has successfully passed their original (initial) inspection – February 2014
Essential Inspection Documents
The following documents explain the Inspection Process of the Hazardous Materials Team Typing (HMTT) program. It is recommended that the user print and view the documents in the order provided so as to provide a greater understanding of the concepts involved with the HMTT Inspection process.
HazMat – Team Typing – Initial Inspection Documents
Sample – Letter of Invite to Participate
Letter from Kim Zagaris, Chief of Fire & Rescue, to all Fire Chiefs in the state informing them of the opportunity to participate in the “California Hazardous Materials Response Capabilities Typing Project” – August 2007
3-page document that provides a thorough step-by-step process for requesting an Team Typing inspection. Also included is a “Sample Letter of Request” – HMTT Bulletin #21 – March 2014
Sample – Point of Contact Letter
2-page “Project Point-of-Contact” sample letter that is completed by the Requesting Agency. This document establishes a point-of-contact for all communications and officially starts the Inspection process – March 2011
Sample – Initial Inspection Record
16-page facsimile of an equipment inspection record (HazMat Company Typing Inspection Record) used during an inspection. Use to conduct a review and self-inspection prior to calling for an official on-site inspection – May 2014
Sample – Training Inspection Record
2-page facsimile of a training record (HazMat Company Typing Training Inspection Record) used during an inspection. Use to conduct a review of your training records to ensure all required certificates are available – May 2012
Sample – Final Inspection Report
4 page sample of the final report documenting the results of the inspection, for both a “pass” and a “fail”. This document also describes the steps necessary to remedy any deficiencies or discrepancies – February 2014
Sample – Letter of Congratulations
Two examples of sample letters of congratulations sent to the Dept. Chief upon attaining HMRT Typing Certification. One letter is issued from the Special Ops Unit, the other from the Cal OES Fire and Rescue Chief – February 2014
Document listing the purpose and benefits of the HazMat Team Typing Inspection program Program – March 2011
HazMat – Team Typing – Recertification Inspection Documents
HMTT Bulletin #34 – Announcement & Explanation of HM Resource Typing Re-Inspection Program
A 3-page facsimile of Bulletin #34, “HMRT Typing Re-Inspection Program – EXPLANATION” that explains the importance, purpose and objectives of the re-inspection program.
HMTT Bulletin #35 – HM Resource Typing Recertification Procedure
A 5-page facsimile of Bulletin #35, “HMRT Resource Typing Re-Inspection Program – RECERTIFICATION PROCEDURE” that includes a step-by-step guide to help prepare for HM Team Typing re-inspection & recertification.
Sample – Letter of Invite to Participate
A facsimile of the one page letter from Brian Marshall, Chief of Fire and Rescue announcing the initiation of the HMTT Re-Inspection Program, and the opportunity to participate.
Sample – Notification of Re-Inspection is Due
A fascimile of a 3-page letter sent to all agencies managing a OES Fire and Rescue typed and certified Hazardous Materials Response Team, informing that a re-inspection is due for re-certification.
A fascimile of a letter sent out to the agency, confirming participation in the re-inspection program. It is a “Cover Letter” to the “Re-Inspection Survey (Self Inspection)” document explained below.
Sample – Re-Inspection Survey (Self Inspection)
A facsimile of the self-inspection survey and questionnaire form. This self-inspection survey, including instructions, is to be conducted by the agency & must be completed/returned prior to requesting the on-site inspection
Sample – Re-Inspection On-Site Inspection Form
A facsimile of the inspection form and record used during the on-site re-inspection of the HazMat equipment. This inspection record is significantly reduced from the inspection form used for the initial on-site inspection.
Sample – Re-Inspection Flow Chart
A one page flow chart showing the progress, from start to finish, of both the initial (original) HMTT inspection program and the re-inspection program.
Sample – Final Inspection Report for a Re-Inspection
A facsimile of the final report documenting the results of the re-inspection, including both the self-inspection survey and the on-site inspection, for both a “pass” and a “fail”.
Sample – Letter of Congratulations from Cal OES Fire and Rescue Chief
A one page letter acknowledging successful achievement of retaining or upgrading an agency’s current HM Team Typing status for the continuation of 5 years, from the Chief of OES Fire and Rescue Division.
Sample – Certificate of Achievement – Re-Inspection
A facsimile copy of the Certificate of Achievement that is issued to all agencies who’s HazMat Team has successfully passed the re-inspection.
Other HazMat Team Typing Documents
The documents in this section are optional and include a current listing of all HMTT Certified Teams in California. Images of the HMTT Certified Teams HazMat apparatus, as well as a map of California displaying the location of HMTT Teams across the State, and their certification type.
HazMat – Team Typing – Other
A chart listing all the HMTT Certified Teams in California Rev Nov. 8, 2018
California HMRT Typed Teams Apparatus Calvalcade. Rev 2013-09-26 v2.4
Map of Northern California displaying Hazardous Material Response Teams and Cal OES Type II HazMat Emergency Response Vehicle Locations (Cal OES Sponsored Agency Units). May 2018.
Map of Southern California displaying Hazardous Material Response Teams and Cal OES Type II HazMat Emergency Response Vehicle Locations (Cal OES Sponsored Agency Units). May 2018.
Map of California displaying Hazardous Material Response Teams and Cal OES Type II HazMat Emergency Response Vehicle Locations (Cal OES Sponsored Agency Units). April 2018.
HazMat Team Typing Program Bulletins
There have been numerous HazMat Bulletins developed for the purpose of being more helpful to all local agencies preparing for a HazMat Team Typing Inspection. To help the user understand the HazMat Team Typing Inspection process, each document should be downloaded, printed, and read in detail.
HazMat – Team Typing – Bulletins
HMTT Bulletin #1 – Updated Information Regarding SEL
Captures, explains, and shows the changes made to the Standardized Equipment List (SEL) during the 2009 revision cycle.
HMTT Bulletin #1.1 – Summary of Changes to SEL
Captures and lists all changes made to the FIRESCOPE Hazardous Materials Standardized Equipment List (SEL) during the latest (2012) revision cycle.
HMTT Bulletin #2 – Source Data Sheet for HazMat SEL
Contains information regarding possible vendor, distributor, or manufacturer sources for some of the equipment or kits listed in the SEL. NOTE: No endorsements are inferred.
HMTT Bulletin #3 – Update Information for Wireless Data Transmission
Explains the difference between analog and digital electronic data transmission, and the advantages of utilizing graphic formats and the e-mail system rather than radio transmitted documents via FAX method.
HMTT Bulletin #4 – WMD Equivalent Training (for Type 1 Insp. Only)
Many courses are available in the WMD/Terrorism arena. This document lists those courses certified through a federal agency that are accepted in lieu of the Terrorism – Technician/Specialist class offered through CSTI.
HMTT Bulletin #5 – WMD Equivalent Curriculum & Instructor Credentialing Criteria
Explains the credentialing criteria for the course and/or the instructor for those WMD/Terrorism classes that can be accepted and as listed in Bulletin # 4.
HMTT Bulletin #6 – Assessing Lists of NFPA Compliant CPC Certified SEI & UL
Describes who the two testing laboratories are that test and certify chemical protective clothing in compliance to NFPA Standards, and how to access their web-sites to review the latest lists of certified garments.
Provides information to help assure that CPC ensembles and individual items being considered for purchase meet labeling criteria and will pass inspection.
HMTT Bulletin #8 – NFPA Chemical Protective Clothing Labeling Requirements for WMD Substances
Provides information to help assure that CPC ensembles being considered for purchase meet the applicable WMD labeling criteria and will pass inspection.
HMTT Bulletin #9 – Replacement Glove Guidelines
Specifies the FIRESCOPE SEL, in Part Two, Section 6.1, Item #6.1.1, indicates that “replacement gloves” for a NFPA garment compliant to Standard #1991 must also meet the same standard and how to accomplish this.
HMTT Bulletin #10 – NFPA Chemical Protective Clothing Labeling Requirements for Boots
Provides information to help assure that the CPC boots being considered for purchase meet the applicable criteria and will pass inspection.
HMTT Bulletin #11 – Neutralization of Acids & Alkali
Provides information to help aid HazMat Response Teams in the decision making process for considering neutralizing substances.
HMTT Bulletin #12 – Encapsulating Spreadable Powders – General Service Suitable for Pesticides
Emphasizes considerations for HazMat Response Teams when purchasing such products to ensure they are OSHA – EPA certified, a non-clay base formulation, suitable for pesticides, and encapsuling.
HMTT Bulletin #13 – Encapsulating Spreadable Powders – Specifically for Formaldehyde
Considerations for HazMat Response Teams when purchasing such products to ensure they are of proper formulation acceptable for formaldehyde absorption & properly labeled by the manufacturer for use on formaldehyde spills.
HMTT Bulletin #14 – Encapsulating Spreadable Powders – Non-Polar Solvents
Emphasizes considerations for HazMat Response Teams when purchasing such products, and to be compliant with the SEL.
HMTT Bulletin #15 – Intrinsically Safe Labelling on Portable Radios & Batteries
Clarifies some confusion regarding “intrinsically safe” portable radios and batteries.
HMTT Bulletin #16 – NIOSH Label Requirements for SCBA & APR WMD/CBRN Certification
Describes the minimum requirements regarding SCBA and APR criteria for Type III, II and I teams.
HMTT Bulletin #17 – APR Respirator Cartridge Color Coding
Describes and depicts the color-coding system for APR canisters.
HMTT Bulletin #18 – Recommended Standard on Stenciling HMTT Status on Fire Apparatus
Baseline protocols that should be understood as well as creating a standardized system.
HMTT Bulletin #19 – Sampling Jar Sterility Standards
Describes sampling jar sterility standards for HazMat Response Teams to specify when ordering sampling jars.
HMTT Bulletin #20 – California State HazMat Mutual Aid Roster & HMRT Mobilization
Describes what happens after passing the HazMat Team Typing Inspection and details the State-Wide HazMat Mutual Aid Program
HMTT Bulletin #21 – Procedures for Requesting a HazMat Team Typing Inspection
Describes the necessary steps for requesting a HazMat Team Typing Inspection.
HMTT Bulletin #22 – The HazMat Team Typing Inspection Process
Describes the steps involved with the HazMat Team Typing Inspection Process.
HMTT Bulletin #23 – Responder Knowledge Base, DHS Authorized Equipment List, & ODP SEL
Describes integrated information on products, standards, certifications, grants and grant sources, and other HazMat related equipment.
HMTT Bulletin #24 – Grant Rules
Describes rules for HazMat Response Teams to follow for grants.
HMTT Bulletin #25 – Proper Markings for Storage Containers (Onboard HMRT Apparatus)
Describes proper identification of storage units or kits containing HazMat equipment and tools.
HMTT Bulletin #26 – Night Vision Instruments
Discusses and explains what is meant by a “Generation” technology as it applies to night vision and star light devices.
HMTT Bulletin #27 – Purpose & Benefits of the HazMat Inspection Program
Discusses and explains what the purpose and benefits are to agencies managing a hazardous materials response team program to participate in the Cal EMA Fire & Rescue HazMat Team Typing Inspection Program.
HMTT Bulletin #28 – Re-Inspection Program
This document explains the program of re-inspecting certified Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 hazardous materials response companies.
HMTT Bulletin #29 – How to Request HazMat Mutual Aid
This document explains how to request a HazMat Mutual Aid using the Cal OES Fire & Rescue State Mutual Aid System.
HMTT Bulletin #30 – Purpose & Benefits of the HazMat Inspection Program
Briefly describes what a Strike Team Leader’s Packet is, lists its contents, and where and how they can be obtained.
Briefly describes the reliability these ensembles will have regarding a viral threat, particularly Ebola.
HMTT Bulletin #32 – The Importance of Soft Bristle Brushes V-1.0
This document explains the importance of soft bristle brushes for the purpose of decontamination.
HMTT Bulletin #33 – Equipment Color Code Guide for F&R HazMat Apparatus Fleet
To develop & provide a systematic program to mark & identify almost all in a manner that is easily interpreted.
HMTT Bulletin #34 – Re-Inspection Program Explaination
A 3 page facismile of Bulletin #34, “HMRT Typing Re-Inspection Program – EXPLANATION” that explains the importance, purpose and objectives of the re-inspection program.
HMTT Bulletin #35 – HM Resource Typing Recertification Procedures
A 5-page facsimile of Bulletin #35, “HMRT Resource Typing Re-Inspection Program – RE-CERTIFICATION PROCEDURE” that includes a step-by-step guide to help prepare for HM Team Typing Re-Inspection.
HMTT Bulletin #36 – Preparation for Transfer of Cal OES Fire and Rescue Haz-Mat Type 2 Vehicle
This document describes the process for the transfer of the Hazardous Materials Type 2 Response Vehicles.