Homeland Security Grant Program

The Homeland Security Grants Unit (HSGU) is responsible for the overall grants management of the following grants:

  • California’s State Homeland Security Program (SHSP)
  • Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI)
  • Operation Stonegarden (OPSG) Program


Get information here on current HSGP funding opportunities.
Helicopter Photo

State Homeland Security Program (SHSP)

SHSP supports the implementation of risk-driven, capabilities-based State Homeland Security Strategies to address capability targets set in Urban Area, state, and regional Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessments (THIRAs). The capability targets are established during the THIRA process, and assessed in the State Preparedness Report (SPR) and inform planning, organization, equipment, training, and exercise needs to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism and other catastrophic events.

Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI)

The UASI funds address the unique risk-driven and capabilities-based planning, organization, equipment, training, and exercise needs of high-threat, high-density Urban Areas based on the capability targets identified during the THIRA process and associated assessment efforts; and assists them in building an enhanced and sustainable capacity to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism.

Operation Stonegarden (OPSG) Program

OPSG funds are intended to enhance cooperation and coordination among local, tribal, territorial, state, and federal law enforcement agencies in a joint mission to secure the United States’ borders along routes of ingress from international borders to include travel corridors in states bordering Mexico and Canada, as well as states and territories with international water borders.

UASI Contacts


​Point of Contact



​Anaheim/Santa Ana UASI ​Kerrstyn Vega ​(714) 765-3932 kvega@anaheim.net
​Anaheim/Santa Ana UASI ​Lauren Copeland ​(714) 245-8739 lcopeland@santa-ana.org
​Bay Area UASI ​Mary Landers ​(415) 353-5225 mary.landers@sfgov.org
​Los Angeles/Long Beach UASI ​Lisa Fernandez ​(213) 978-0701 lisa.fernandez@lacity.org
​Los Angeles/Long Beach UASI​ ​Gabriela V. Jasso (213) 978-0756​ gabriela.jasso@lacity.org
​Riverside UASI Mark D. Annas ​(951) 320-8100 mannas@riversideca.gov
Sacramento UASI​ ​Craig Mohar ​(916) 808-0868 cmohar@pd.cityofsacramento.org
Sacramento UASI​ ​Der Xiong ​(916) 808-3775 derxiong@pd.cityofsacramento.org
​San Diego UASI Renee Coleman ​(619) 533-6758 rcoleman@sandiego.gov
​San Diego UASI Megan Beall ​(619) 533-6641 mbeall@sandiego.gov