Human Resources

The Human Resources Branch (HR) is comprised of the following units: Employee Wellness, Pay, & Benefit Services; HR Liaison; Employee Performance; Classification, Hiring, & Recruitment; Labor Relations; and Organizational and Professional Development.

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Employment information

Disaster Service Worker Volunteer Program

Provides workers’ compensation benefits to injured, registered DSW volunteers


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Organizational Performance Management

Develops, implements, and maintains Cal OES’s Strategic Plan

Employee Wellness, Pay, & Benefit Services:

The purpose of this unit is to administer personnel and payroll services, leave benefits, health benefits, the disability program, return to work services, and workers’ compensation benefits.

HR Liaison:

The purpose of this unit is to provide consultative services, analytical support, advice, and problem resolution to Cal OES hiring managers regarding HR matters, resulting in a well-qualified and diverse workforce.

Employee Performance:

The purpose of this unit it to assist with employee performance standards and compliance.

Classification, Hiring, & Recruitment:

The purpose of this unit is to ensure the appropriate job classifications are utilized, to administer examinations, and ensure qualified candidate pools from which to fill vacancies.

Labor Relations:

The purpose of the Labor Relations Office is to ensure a balanced, positive relationship between management and the workforce, and to provide and assist with contract interpretations, meet with labor organizations, and respond to grievances.

Organizational and Professional Development:

The purpose of this unit is to track and measure Cal OES’s performance in meeting its strategic plan goals and to support the professional development of our team members.

We employ . . .

  • Approximately 1300+ employees in bargaining units 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, & excluded (full-time and part-time)

Human Resources main line-916-845-8321

Verification of appointment or Official Personnel File reviews: (this is updated on CPOD as well)
Wellness and Disability inquiries: