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Private Sector & NGO Coordination

The purposes of the Office of Private Sector/NGO Coordination are to design, coordinate, and implement statewide outreach programs to foster relationships with businesses, associations, companies, and universities, as well as nonprofit, nongovernmental, and philanthropic organizations. This Office works within Cal OES to maximize the inclusion and effective use of private sector, philanthropic, and NGO staff and resources in all phases of emergency management.

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Business & Utility Operations Center


Economic Recovery

State and federal recovery programs

Disaster Recovery for Businesses

Recovery assistance information

​Partnerships with the Private Sector

During the first few days after a disaster, government resources will be focused on saving the most critically injured and restoring life-saving infrastructure. Private industry, working in conjunction with government, can help addressing the needs of millions of California families and business that may be unprepared to sustain themselves during the first few days after a major disaster.

After the initial response, disaster recovery becomes the focus of government resources. Private industry, working with government, can provide necessary help to Californians impacted by the disaster through recovery assistance, rebuilding efforts, and volunteer services.
Within these partnerships, businesses can help with:

  • Logistics systems
  • Facility space
  • Established communications networks
  • Availability of supplies, such as, food, water, construction materials, and other critical goods
  • Equipment, such as transportation vehicles, telecommunications, and other technology
  • Personnel, such as those with technical or specialized skills and expertise
  • Information on status of key infrastructure in an emergency.

Partnerships with NGOs

Non-Governmental Organizations play a vital role in emergency preparedness, response, and recovery. By partnering with Cal OES, these organizations help by:

  • disseminating critical information to CA’s business community regarding disaster preparedness, response and recovery,
  • gathering vital information of the business community affected by a disaster to help Cal OES prioritize, respond and organize recovery efforts, and
  • supporting recovery efforts.

Cal OES also has robust partnerships with the American Red Cross and the California VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster) network. VOAD associations improve outcomes for people affected by disasters by facilitating cooperation, communication, coordination, and collaboration among nonprofit organizations, community-based groups, government agencies, and for-profit companies.

The Cal OES Voluntary Agency Liaison (VAL), located in Cal OES’s Recovery Division, serves as a key contact for communications with voluntary agencies, non-government agencies, VOAD, community and faith-based organizations, as well as local, state, and federal government during all phases of emergency management.

The Cal OES VAL and the Office of Private Sector & NGO Coordination work closely to maximize the integration of NGOs with emergency management during the response and recovery phases of a disaster.

California Business Liaison Committee (CBLC)

The California Business Liaison Committee (CBLC) was formed in 2016 as a forum for emergency management business liaisons in California to discuss and work toward solving mutual concerns. The CBLC consists of representatives from State, County and City governments throughout California. The committee meets quarterly in each Cal OES Administrative region and strives to promote collaboration in all levels of emergency management.

Abigail L. Browning

Abigail L. Browning


(916) 845-8371 Office
(916) 769-1371 Mobile