The State of California has authorized $10 million to reimburse local law enforcement agencies for overtime costs in support of faith communities through in-person security presence at religious institutions and places of worship amid the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.
Funding will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.
Funding Amount:
Total Allocation is $10 million. Up to $10,000 in total is available for reimbursement for eligible costs, for local law enforcement agencies in each county. Additional funding will be reimbursed for eligible costs, based on the population of the county as applications are approved.
1. Sworn Officer overtime for in-person security provided to religious institutions, places of worship, and faith-based institutions in response to increased threat related to the conflict in the Middle East.
- Examples include places of worship such as Synagogues, Mosques, and faith-based schools co-located at a place of worship.
2. Overtime will be reimbursed for security provided during times of worship and otherwise when the public is present.
Incident Period
- 10/07/23 – 5/31/24
Note: Close of incident could end earlier depending on funding availability.
Eligible Agencies
Sworn members of CA:
- City Police Departments
- Sheriff’s Offices
Eligible Expenses
- Sworn Officer Overtime
- Time and one half (no fringe benefits)
Documentation Required
- Security Support Funding Workbook
- ICS 214’s for responding Officer’s
- Timecards
- Payroll documents showing pay rate
- Completed and signed Request for Law Enforcement Security Support Application
Faith Based Communities should contact their local Law Enforcement Agency to request Security Support
Local Agencies – Submit all Reimbursement Requests and Applications to: CAlawfund@caloes.ca.gov
For Questions, please contact:
Jodi Lopez, Division Chief, (916) 845-8307
Pooja Randhawa, Staff Services Manager I, (916) 845-8743
- Security Support Bulletin
- Security Support Funding Workbook
- Request for Law Enforcement Security Support Application
Note: For Cal OES purposes, the Local Law Enforcement Agency is the Applicant. All Faith Based Communities should contact their local Law Enforcement Agency to request security support.