California Interoperable Communications

Interoperability is the ability for emergency responders to communicate among jurisdictions, disciplines, and levels of government, using a variety of frequency bands, as needed and as authorized.

While interoperability is easy to define, implementing radio interoperability statewide involves the cooperation and collaboration with agencies and groups throughout the entire state of California. We achieve this cooperation and collaboration through a number or key committees and individuals. Like gears in a motor, successful interoperability in California relies on the collaborative interaction between a number of agencies at all levels throughout the state.


​Interoperable Communications Planning


California Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee (CalSIEC) is tasked with managing the interoperability spectrum and developing governance on behalf of all California public safety emergency responders. The CalSIEC consists of the planning chair / co-chairs from each of the CalSIEC Planning areas. Each Planning area has established a governance structure for interoperable communications that is comprised of emergency responders and public safety agencies from all public safety responders in the operational areas to include state agencies.


California Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee (CalSIEC) Meeting

Date: Wednesday August 24, 2022
Time: 10:00AM to 12:00PM (PST)
Location: California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, Public Safety Communications, 601 Sequoia Pacific Blvd., Rooms 115A&B, Sacramento, CA 95811

View or Listen to CalSIEC Meeting Live or Via Microsoft Teams
Phone Conference ID: 761 437 683#
To participate by telephone:
1. Teleconference number: 415-906-4037
2. When prompted enter: 307 725 463#

For Assistance
You can contact Sophia Munoz at:

Past Events Videos/Notes

​Northern Planning Area Committee (NPAC) – VACANT, NPAC Co – Chair , Mike Grant, NPAC Co-Chair

Capital-Bay Planning Area (CBPA) –Andy Smith, CBPA Chair, Kody Kerwin, CBPA Vice Chair

Central Planning Area (CPA) – Rebecca Campbell, CPA Chair; Clay Smith, CPA Vice Chair; Joel Cobb, CPA Secretary

Southern Planning Area (SPA) – Derek Gard, SPA Vice-Chair ; Timothy Buchfeller, SPA Co-Chair


​Statewide Interoperability Coordinator (SWIC)

The SWICs office is the central coordination point for interoperable emergency communications effort in the state of California. The current SWIC is Budge Currier:
Budge.Currier@CalOES.Ca.Gov  (916-894-5004)

The current Deputy SWIC is VACANT:
Coming Soon!

Some of the SWIC responsibilities include:

  • Develop and implement the National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP) and Statewide Communications Interoperability Plan (SCIP)
  • Program Management
  • Governance and Policy Development
  • Grants Coordination
  • Education and Outreach

SWICs formally serve as members of the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC), a national governance body established to assist State and territory interoperability coordinators with promoting the critical importance of interoperable communications and best practices within their States and nationally.


Interoperability Documents

The following documents are State and Federal guidelines for interoperable communications:

National Interoperability Field Operations Guide (NIFOG)

National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP)

Interoperability Guidelines, Technical Assistance and Grant Guidance

The following links and documents are useful tools for planning and implementing interoperability communications.

Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance (TA) Program Resources:

US Department of Homeland Security, Office of Emergency Communications: