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CA 9-1-1 Emergency Communications Branch

Explore this Section

CA 911 Operations Manual

Links to Operations Manual Documents

CA 9-1-1 Notices

Approved Annual Training Allotment (ATA) Courses and Events

CA 9-1-1 Forms

Links to 9-1-1 Branch Forms and Documents

CA 911 Services & Contracts

9-1-1 Branch Vendors and Contracts

CA Broadband Contracts and Services

FirstNet Broadband Services and Contracts

Tactical Communications

TACCOM Overview

CA 9-1-1 Technology

Next Generation 9-1-1 Technology Overview

California Interoperable Communications

CALSIEC Meetings and Information

CA 9-1-1 Archive

Archived Information on Prior Vendor Contracts

CA 9-1-1 Information

9-1-1 Advisory Board and LRPC Meeting Information

Outage Reporting

Outage Reporting Contact and Information

​The State of California (CA), in concert with all public safety agencies in the State, is dedicated to providing its citizens and its visitors with the best access to emergency services possible. The goal of the Public Safety Communications 9-1-1 Emergency Communications Branch is to enable Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) to provide the fastest, most reliable, and cost-effective access to emergency services for any 9-1-1 caller in California from any communications device.

CA 9-1-1 Branch Directories

NG911 Deployment PSAP Dashboard

CA 9-1-1 Strategic Plan

AB911 Manny Alert Act Feasibility Study

How To Test Your Telephone With 9-1-1:

NG 9-1-1 Town Hall Meeting:

CALNENA 2022 Presentations

Next Generation 9-1-1 Presentations

Upcoming CA 9-1-1 Branch Activities


Contact Information

601 Sequoia Pacific Blvd, MS 911
Sacramento, CA 95811-02311
Main: (916) 894-5007
Email: CA911Branch@pfwt.caloes.ca.gov