FY 2023-24 Earthquake Early Warning (EQ) Program RFA

FY 2023-24 Earthquake Early Warning (EQ) Program RFA

Due Date: 04/30/2024

Category: Emergency Management Programs

Amount: $1,140,000.00


The purpose of the Earthquake Warning California (EQ) Program is to implement an Earthquake Early Warning Education and Outreach Program that will engage underserved communities. Funds will be awarded to four (4) Listos California Grant Program Subrecipients. Subrecipients will have the option to subaward funds to local community-based organizations (CBOs) to implement the Program and/or implement part, or all, of the Program internally.

Type: RFA

Grant Rules & Regulations


FY 2023-24 Earthquake Early Warning (EQ) Program RFA

FY 2023-24 Earthquake Warning California (EQ) Program Application Form (Fillable)