FY 2024-25 Physical and Digital Infrastructure Security Grant (DF) Program for Health Care Facilities RFP

FY 2024-25 Physical and Digital Infrastructure Security Grant (DF) Program for Health Care Facilities RFP

Due Date: 06/14/2024

Category: Emergency Management Programs

Amount: $7,798,822.00


To be eligible, Applicants must: 1) be a currently licensed community health center, tribal health program, a non-profit hospital that is not part of a large health system or hospital system; or a nonprofit organization whose membership consists of the above licensed facilities; 2) be located in California; and 3) provide abortion-related services (or referrals to abortion-related services) and reproductive health care services.

Type: RFP

Grant Rules & Regulations


FY 2024-25 Physical and Digital Infrastructure Security Grant (DF) Program for Health Care Facilities RFP

Programmatic and Budget Narrative Form

Attestation of Services Provided Form

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) PDIS Grant Program

FY24 PDIS RFP Training Flyer