Homeland Security Policy

The Office of Homeland Security Policy (OHSP) provides strategic leadership, coordination, and support to the Homeland Security Division Executive team, and is a key liaison to federal, state, local, private, and nonprofit agencies and associations via its coordination of the Homeland Security Advisory Committee. OHSP oversees the development and implementation of the State Homeland Security Strategy and monitors federal actions and regulations and provides analysis on how national trends will affect California’s homeland security enterprise.

Homeland Security Advisory Committee

OHSP coordinates the state’s Homeland Security Advisory Committee (HSAC), which is chaired by the State Homeland Security Advisor (HSA) and co-chaired by the Deputy Director of Homeland Security. The purpose of the HSAC is to advise the HSA regarding the development and implementation of the State Homeland Security Strategy, and related priorities to promote unified coordination of homeland security activities across disciplines. The HSAC identifies gaps in the State’s homeland security efforts and offers recommendations for how available preparedness resources can effectively support a whole community approach to enhancing capabilities.
HSAC members advocated for a measurable threat and capability-based approach for the 2021-2024 Homeland Security Strategy. HSAC members also advised that implementation and sustainment activities should be conducted via Homeland Security working groups. HSAC members designated hundreds of subject matter experts representing state, local, federal, tribal, territorial and private-sector partners to serve on the working groups.

2021-2024 Homeland Security Strategy

OHSP facilitated the development of the 2021 – 2024 Homeland Security Strategy which sets forth the State’s strategic goals, objectives, and implementation framework over a four-year period for preventing, protecting against, mitigating, responding to, and recovering from homeland security threats and hazards facing California. The Strategy was developed by identifying capability gaps, prioritizing objectives to address the gaps, and establishing metrics for Strategy implementation and evaluation. The implementation of the Homeland Security Strategy will build critical capabilities and ultimately enhance the resilience and security of the State. The goals within the Strategy represent statewide homeland security priorities established by the HSA in collaboration with the HSAC and the homeland security working groups.

2021-2024 Strategy Executive summary