Cal OES Auxiliary Communications Service
The ACS mission is to serve the state of California in support of any possible need relative to communications in an emergency. This means far more than being activated in sporadic emergencies. It includes day-to-day involvement in an emergency preparedness capacity; ACS members act as Emergency Communications Reserves to support the State in providing reliable, point-to-point voice, data and satellite communications anytime, anywhere.
For the state of California, the ACS unit of the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) provides support for any possible communications need. ACS members possess a variety of professional skills, including administrative, technical, and operational, for emergency tactical, administrative, and logistical communications between the state and its agencies, its Regions, county and city governments, and neighboring state governments.
Specific mission assignments include on-going assistance to counties and cities in developing Emergency Communications units in their respective jurisdictions, coordination with other state agency ACS units, such as those in CalTrans, Cal FIRE, the Department of Fish and Wildlife, and in support of the State Emergency Operations Centers in Sacramento and Los Alamitos.
State ACS, a Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) unit for the state of California, encourages participation and cooperation with (and between) other Emergency Communications (EMCOMM) units statewide, including (but not limited to) City and County RACES units, the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES), The Military Auxiliary Radio System and the American Red Cross.
ACS is actively recruiting volunteers with an interest in public service and a background in emergency communications. While many of our members are Amateur Radio operators, an Amateur Radio license is not required to become a member of the ACS Team. Join us!
Cal OES ACS Mission Statement
The Mission of the Cal OES Auxiliary Communications Service is to provide the highest standard of communications interoperability support to the citizens of the state of California.
Our common tasks:
- To provide our sister Agencies, Organizations and Operational Areas with communications advice and support.
- To staff our Regional and Headquarters Emergency Operation Centers in the event of an emergency or other event as assigned.
- To support, maintain and respond our Cal OES Telecommunications Branch assets, including communications equipment, vehicles and other resources as assigned.
- To provide assistance, advice and support to other Emergency Communications organizations, including, but not limited to, RACES, ARES, and the American Red Cross.
- We will support these organizations in their quest to provide emergency communications support to citizens and agencies in need.
Our ACS Vision
- To field a deployable, mission- capable 24/7 Emergency Communications Support Team
- To train and maintain a statewide ACS Team
- To have an ACS Team comprised of, supported by, and managed by volunteers, with direction by our ACS Program Administrators, and advice and support given by our Region Telecommunications Coordinators.